Competitions & events

Check out the 'What's on' page for details of when we have shoots and social events happening.

Here's a brief overview of each trophy:

The American Trophy:

This round is shot closest to July 4th, American Independence Day. It's a standalone event, open to all members with a valid handicap on the day of the shoot. American rounds shot at other venues over the weekend nearest to July 4th also qualify for this Trophy.

Glass Arrow Trophy:

Awarded to the archer with the highest aggregate handicap adjusted score from five out of seven designated monthly rounds shot on specific dates throughout the summer at Meridian Field. It's open to any member shooting in their second or subsequent outdoor season, with details about rounds and dates sent by email from the Records Officer.

Composite Trophy:

Awarded to the archer with the highest aggregate handicap adjusted score for each of six designated rounds. Rounds can be shot at Meridian Field on any club day throughout the season. Shoot as many times as you like, but only the highest score for each round will be used in the final calculation.

National Trophy:

Given to the archer with the highest aggregate handicap adjusted score from the best 8 National rounds shot on any day at Meridian Field throughout the outdoor season. Archers can submit as many rounds as they want, but only the best 8 will count.

External Tournaments:

Many of our members take part in external tournaments and County shoots, with varying degrees of success! Details of local tournaments are sent out to members. It's all about having fun and meeting archers from other clubs. We pride ourselves on our team spirit and love wearing our club colours, giving us a sense of identity. Some of our more adventurous archers travel further afield to compete in Surrey, Kent, Hampshire, and beyond.